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The MOST CRITICAL part of this process IS the medical screening of donors to insure that the procedure is safe.
Our criteria are amongst the most comprehensive for FMT donor screening.
We will need you to sign a medical release form for some of these test results.
We will cover ALL screenings costs not covered by your insurance.
1. Blood Test- Screening criteria listed below: you’ll be asked to fax or e-mail me the results and sign a medical release form if necessary.
2. Stool Screening-Screening Criteria listed below: Again, I’ll ask you to send me the results
3. Comprehensive Gut and Stool Analysis - Dr. Maura Henninger will mail this to you after you call her to establish patient connection. It’s a few sample viles and is prepaid for Fed-Exing out. Dr. Maura will e-mail me the results with your permission. Home test kit.
4. American Gut Project sequencing of your gut flora “World's largest open-source science project to understand the microbial diversity of the Human Gut. Learn which microbes live in your gut, skin & mouth. Conducted by volunteer grads students working out of the Knight Lab at University of California at San Diego. Cutting edge!. We will register you and pay for this. Home test kit.
5. Ubiome- 23andme for gut flora. Wonderful analytics. Again we will register you and pay for this. Home test kit.
1. Blood Screening:
HIV antibody, type 1 and 2
Hepatitis A (IgM)
Hepatitis B panel (HBsAg & HBc [IgM])
Hepatitis C (HCV antibody)
Celiac Profile, B12, Folic Acid, H. pylori
Treponema pallidum screening cascade (EIA with reflex to RPR)
Liver function panel
Complete blood count
Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
C-reactive protein assay
HTLV 1 and 2 antibodies
Fasting Glucose
Fasting Insulin
Complete Lipid Panel
Vitamin D
CMV Viral Load
EBV Viral Load
Mercury, RBC
Lead, RBC
Thyroid antibodies
Gliadan, abs
2. Stool Screening:
EIA assay for Clostridium difficile toxins A and B
Culture-based assays for common enteric pathogens (including
Salmonella, Shigella, E. coli, Campylobacter and Vibrio)
Fecal Giardia antigen EIA
Fecal Cryptosporidium antigen EIA
Ova and parasites exam
Tri-chrome stain for Isaspora
Cyclospora smear test
H. pylori EIA
Hep A & E
C. diff
Yersinia Pestis
Typhoid fever
Aeromonas Klebsiella oxytoca Campylobacter jejuni Staph aureus
E. histolytica
Country Specific Parasites/Pathogens
3. Genova Comprehensive and Digestive Stool Analysis
This test screens for basic gut flora, pathogenic and beneficial.
The Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis 2.0 (CDSA 2.0) is a gastrointestinal stool test which offers a comprehensive look at the overall health of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The CDSA 2.0 stool analysis provides information using advanced biomarkers that evaluate digestion, absorption, pancreatic function, and inflammation, in addition to bacterial balance, yeast, and parasite infection.
Please call Dr. Maura Henninger at:
(917) 822-0617 to arrange to have it shipped to you.
Follow the directions and Fed-Ex it out with the prepaid packaging provided and notify me when you have done so.
4. American Gut Project
More than 10,000 people have already joined this incredible crowd sourced experiment out of the Knight Lab at University of California at San Diego which is making waves in the emerging field of microbiome research. It’s the World's largest open-source science project to understand the microbial diversity of the Human Gut. Learn which microbes live in your gut, skin & mouth.. Cutting edge!. We will register you and pay for this. Home test kit.
This test will reveal the astonishing array of microorganisms inhabiting your gut.
If it’s good enough for Michael Pollan, it’s good enough for us
5. Ubiome - “23andme” for Gut Flora
Wonderful analytics. ALL doctors should be using this site for their patients!
Again we will register you and pay for this. We will provide you wit home test kit.
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